Air Classifier Mill MJW-L

এয়ার ক্লাসিফাইং মিল

The material is uniformly sent into the grinding chamber by the feeding system, and is strongly impacted by the high-speed rotating grinding disc. At the same time, it is subjected to the centrifugal force to collide with the crushing ring gear, and is subjected to various comprehensive forces such as shearing, friction, and collision. The material is ground, and the crushed material moves to the classification area with the airflow. The coarse and fine materials are separated through the classification wheel adjusted by the frequency conversion. 

কাজের নীতি

The material is uniformly sent into the grinding chamber by the feeding system, and is strongly impacted by the high-speed rotating grinding disc. At the same time, it is subjected to the centrifugal force to collide with the crushing ring gear, and is subjected to various comprehensive forces such as shearing, friction, and collision. The material is ground, and the crushed material moves to the classification area with the airflow. The coarse and fine materials are separated through the classification wheel adjusted by the frequency conversion. The products that meet the fineness requirements enter the cyclone collector and the dust collector with the airflow for collection, and the coarse particles return to the grinding area to continue shattered.

বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং সুবিধা

  • Integration of grinding and classifying, classifying wheel is adjusted to obtain ideal particle, and the classifying rotor can be installed horizontally or vertically.
  • Different types of grinding disc are used based on characteristics of materials to obtain different grinding forces and improve grinding efficiency.
  • Key parts are made of ceramic, ensuring non-contact with metal throughout the grinding for high purity of the final product.
  • It can produce products with multiple particle sizes at one time; grinding is in closed system, low dust and noise, clean and environmentally friendly production process.

প্রযুক্তিগত পরামিতি

মডেল 300 400 500 700 800 900 1000 1100 1250 1500 2000
Grinding Motor Power(kw) 7.5 22 30 45 55 75-90 90 110-132 132-160 200-250 355
Grinding Rotating speed(rpm) 7500 4800 4200 3000 2800 2350 2100 1920 1800 1500 1120
Classifying Motor Power(kw) 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 7.5-11 15 15-22 22-30 22-37 45-55 55-75
Classifying Rotating speed(rpm max) 4500 3250 3000 2920 2500 2200 2000 1800 1800 1500 1150
Fineness (um) 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300 5 - 300
Capacity (kg/h) 2-100 10-1000 15-1500 20-2000 25-2500 40-4000 45-4500 60-6000 75-7500 100-10000 15-15000

সংশ্লিষ্ট পণ্য

Air Classifier Mill MJW-W
Air Classifier Mill MJW-W
Air Classifier Mill MJW-L
এয়ার ক্লাসিফায়ার মিল MJW-L
Air Classifier Mill MJW-L
এয়ার ক্লাসিফায়ার মিল MJW-L
Air Classifier Mill MJL-W
Air Classifier Mill MJL-W
Air Classifying Mill MJW-A
Air Classifying Mill MJW-A
Air Classifying Mill MJW-A
Air Classifying Mill MJW-A
Air Classifier Mill MJW-A
এয়ার ক্লাসিফায়ার মিল MJW-A
Air Classifying Mill MJL-W
Air Classifying Mill MJL-W

প্রকল্পের মামলা

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সম্পর্কিত পোস্ট

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আমাদের একটি বার্তা পাঠান

    অনুগ্রহ করে নির্বাচন করে আপনি মানুষ তা প্রমাণ করুন গাছ


    [email protected]


    +৮৬ ১৫৭৬২২৭২১২০ সোম থেকে শুক্র সকাল ৮:০০ টা - সন্ধ্যা ৬:০০ টা


    না। 369, রোড S209, Huanxiu, Qingdao City, 266201, Shandong Province, CHINA

    উপরে স্ক্রোল করুন