Benefits of Powder Surface Modification

Powder surface modification has important practical significance for improving the performance of the powder, improving its practical value and opening up the development of application fields.

In plastics, rubber, adhesives and other polymer materials and composite materials, non-metallic powder fillers, such as calcium carbonate, kaolin, talc, quartz, wollastonite, asbestos, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, etc., must be The surface of the filler is modified to enhance its compatibility with the matrix, dispersibility, mechanical strength and comprehensive performance.

Surface modification is one of the necessary processing methods for fillers to change from target fillers to functional fillers. It is also the main purpose of mineral filler surface modification.

High activation degree modification of irregular shape, ultra-light, ultra-fine, viscous, agglomerated materials such as flake needles, under the condition of meeting the modification mechanism and process conditions (the key is the dispersibility of materials and additives), the use of high energy It is a good method to complete the modification during grinding.

How to improve the effect of surface modification?

The modifier adopts measures such as dilution, emulsification, spray addition, etc. to improve the dispersion and the spray or drip method linked with continuous powder feeding will achieve better results.

The control of process temperature and time should meet the modification mechanism or the requirements of the modifier on the process conditions to ensure the adequacy of the modification reaction or coating.

The precise metering and uniform addition and feeding of modifiers and materials ensure the instantaneous accuracy of the ratio of the two.

Other factors, such as the use of auxiliary equipment, breakers or classifiers, environmental factors (temperature, humidity), etc.

Turbo Mill Coating Machine

Pabrik Turbo

Powerful vortex flow field, instantly grinding and coating

Multi-Rotor Dryer Mill

Pabrik Pin

Bahan tidak boleh melebihi kekerasan Mohs 3.

Three-Roller Coating Machine

Three-roller Mill

Coating the powder surface by changing the cyclone vortex

Pin Mill Coating Machine

Multi-Rotor Mill

Realize the functions of drying, dispersing and modifying

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