Modern food and health products processing production line Help you upgrade from a handcrafted workshop to a modern factory
Food and health products are closely related to human life and health, and belong to the health industry as the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, higher requirements are placed on production machine.
EPIC Powder combines advanced food-grade production systems with engineering expertise to achieve extremely high standards in terms of quality, hygiene, safety and economy. Automatic and intelligent dust-free production line from raw material feeding, grinding and filter to mixing, conveying and stirring. From a handcrafted workshop upgrade to a modern factory.
Kasus Proyek
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Kami dapat menyediakan proses dan peralatan yang memenuhi indikator kinerja berikut
Pabrik Jet
Cocok untuk menggiling bahan dengan kekerasan tinggi, kemurnian tinggi dan nilai tambah tinggi.
Pabrik Klasifikasi Udara
Integrasi penggilingan dan klasifikasi
Pabrik Pin
Bahan tidak boleh melebihi kekerasan Mohs 3.
Depending on the material, the capacity and particle size range will vary. Please contact our engineers to customize the machines more suitable for you.
Kirimkan Kami Pesan
+86 15762272120 Senin sampai Jumat 08:00 – 18:00
TIDAK. 369, Jalan S209, Huanxiu, Kota Qingdao, 266201, Provinsi Shandong, CHINA