Klasifikasi Udara

Air classifier is ideal for fine powders of ceramics, abrasives, glass, minerals, and polymers. If you’re unsure whether or not your particular feed will be a good fit, here are some material properties to consider.

Good candidates:

Dense materials
Hard materials
Round/spherical materials
Free-flowing materials
Materials that disperse well in air

Prinsip Kerja

Under the action of the fan, the material moves to the classification area at a high speed from the lower inlet of the classifier with the updraft. Under the action of the strong centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotating classification turbine, the material is separated, and the fine particles meeting the particle size requirements enter the cyclone separator or dust collector through the blade gap of the classification wheel for collection. The velocity of some fine particles entrained by coarse particles disappears after hitting the wall, and then decreases to the secondary air outlet along the wall of the cylinder. Through the strong washing effect of the secondary air, the coarse and fine particles are separated, the fine particles rise to the secondary classification in the classification area, and the coarse particles drop to the discharge port for discharge.

Fitur dan Manfaat

Air Classifier is the process in which fine particles are separated by utilizing the opposing forces of centrifugal force and aerodynamic drag. An air classifier can precisely, predictably, and efficiently sort particles by mass, resulting in a coarse particle fraction and a fine particle fraction.

    • A variety of classification rotor are available, and the output can be adjusted; speed of wheel is controlled by inverter, particle size can be adjusted freely. The classifying wheel can be made of ceramic materials, without metal pollution, meeting the requirements of high-purity materials.
    • Penggilingan dilakukan dalam sistem tertutup, sedikit debu, kebisingan rendah dalam proses yang bersih dan ramah lingkungan.
    • In conjunction with ball mill, table roller mill and Raymond mill to form closed circulation.
    • Optional explosion-proof design, can also be upgraded to a nitrogen circulation system to meet the processing needs of flammable and explosive oxide materials.

Parameter Teknis

Produk Terkait

Air Classifier HTS
Klasifikasi Udara HTS
Air Classifier ITC
Klasifikasi Udara ITC
Turbo-Double Classifier
Klasifikasi Turbo-Ganda
Centrifugal Classifier CTC
Klasifikasi Sentrifugal CTC
Air Separator MBS
Pemisah Udara MBS
Air Classifier--TDC
Klasifikasi Udara--TDC
Air Classifier Mill ITC
Pabrik Klasifikasi Udara ITC
Air Classifier--HTS
Klasifikasi Udara--HTS

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