
The grinding of feed ingredients is a very important part of feed processing. The grinding can increase the total surface area of the raw material particles per unit mass, increase the solubility of feed nutrients in the animal digestive juice, and improve the digestibility; at the same time, the particle size of the crushed raw materials is important for subsequent processes (Such as granulation, etc.) the degree of difficulty and the quality of the finished product have a very important impact.

The size of the crushing particle size directly affects the production cost. When producing powdered compound feed, the power consumption of the crushing process is about 50% to 70% of the total power consumption. The smaller the pulverized particle size, the better for animal digestion and absorption, and the better for granulation, but at the same time the power consumption will increase accordingly, and vice versa. Properly mastering the crushing technology and selecting the appropriate crushing models are issues that cannot be ignored in feed production.

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Fluidized Bed Opposed Air Jet Mil MQW240

제트 밀

경도가 높고 순도가 높으며 부가가치가 높은 재료를 분쇄하는 데 적합합니다.

공기 분류 밀

분쇄와 분류의 통합

Multi-Rotor Dryer Mill

건조, 분산 및 개질을 위한 로터 밀

건조, 분산, 개질 기능을 동시에 실현

  • Low failure rate and stable operation
    Suitable for continuous operation, with an annual operating time of more than 8000 hours.

  • Large air volume intake design
    The grinding temperature can be reduced. If there is a higher temperature requirement, a cold air device can be selected.

  • Clean and environmentally friendly
    The whole system is closed, with less dust, low noise, and the production process is clean and environmentally friendly.

  • Easy to disassemble and clean
    Compact structure, easy to remove and wash mills and fans. Optional online cleaning to prevent material sticking and reduce downtime.

  • Integrated design of grinding and classification
    Achieve the desired product size by adjusting the classifier wheel speed.

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