Turbo Mill Coating Machine

터보 밀

Turbo Mill is different from other kinds of grinders. Raw materials will be ground via the force of cutting, impact, innumerable high speed vortex and high frequency vibratory. Not only the raw materials with tough flexibility and high fiber, but also high heat-sensitivity can be ground completely.

작동 원리

The Turbo Mill is a dry processing mill that goes a step beyond just impacting and shearing. It obtains your desired particle size by the impact from the high-speed rotation of blades and the high-speed vortex flow generated behind them. The Turbo Mill produces less fines than the jet mill resulting in a sharp particle size distribution, and it consumes less energy.

The tapered rotor and stator are adopted, and the gap between the rotor and the stator can be adjusted; the powerful vortex flow field, the linear speed of the rotor can reach 120 m/s, which is especially suitable for the dispersion, reduction and crushing of agglomerated materials. The material is impacted, sheared and rubbed at high speed between the rotor and the stator to complete the grinding and coating process.

특징 및 이점

  • Simple and solid design with no internal screens makes maintenance easy and promises nearly permanent and trouble-free operation.
  • Easy to open upper casing makes cleaning, maintenance and inspection simple.
  • The height and the installation area relative to throughput is less than other machines.
  • Fineness: 50 ~ 2500Mesh. (data is for reference only & may vary according to raw material)

기술적 매개변수

모델 300 500 750 1000 1250
Speed(m/s) 100-120 100-120 100-120 100-120 100-120
Motor Power(kw) 22 45 75 110 132
Blade(layer) 4 4 6 6 6
Fineness(mesh) 50-2500 50-2500 50-2500 50-2500 50-2500

관련 상품

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Turbo Mill Coating Machine
터보밀 코팅기
Pin Mill Coating Machine
핀밀 코팅기
Multi-Rotor Dryer Mill
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